Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Peer evaluation

Checklist for Peer Evaluation         Whose Blog did you evaluate? __Monica’s__________                 
Name of the Student who peer evaluated: ____Rania.S_______________

How could your friend improve his/her blog? 
You could improve your blog by possibly choosing a different font and making the words more readable.

What did you like most about the blog ? 
I loved Monicas digital flyer, it was very neat and tidy.

Date Evaluated:  _________9/12/15__________
After reading my posts and my overall blog Rania has written me a peer evaluation that you will now find above.According to Rania my blog is very appealing and are properly structured.For my posts she said my posts are relevantly titled and dated which makes it easy for anyone to reach it,but to improve my posts I should make my titles and my dates bold so they can be more clear. Rania also commented on my reflections she  commented that my reflections on my blog are very proper and are very organized.She also said that my reflections were very detailed and that I have referenced everything.She then wrote about my Design situation,she said that it was also very detailed,very neat and was properly referenced.However she said to make my design situation better I should not make my text bold so it can be more readable.Meanwhile she has also commented on my drawing of my flyer and my reflection.She said that my drawing was very colorful and appealing and that my reflection was very neat and detailed. Rania then commented on my digital flyer she said it was very visible and appealing to the viewers eyes,but I could change the background to make it more visible. After that she commented on my reflection about my digital flyer,she said that I followed all the steps and that I referenced correctly.Finally she said to improve it I should choose a different font and her favourite thing was my digital flyer. 

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