Today our first presentation was done by Ashkan and Arthur.For the tech fair, the group has created a pinball machine.The project was about a pinball game that used Lego Mindstorms and several technological materials.I believe the positive points about the presentation was that they have clearly explained their project and the different features in it.Last but not least the reason I believe their project should enter the tech fair was because I believe that it was very technologically related which made it very worthy of the tech fair.
Our third presentation today was done by Ananya and Riya.For their project, they had a BB 8 robot. The project was about a droid that can move and has a petrol system and can also show a map of how far the robot goes.I believe that their presentation was good but can be better if they spoke loudly and in a more clear manner.Last but not least I believe the project is not very worthy to enter the tech fair because I feel that it is very simple to enter the tech fair and that they have not fully shown their technical skills through the project which makes spent make the project as worthy as it should be for the each fair.